August 3, 2017

Creating a Webinar? Read this first.


So you’ve already discovered the value of webinars. These online seminars are an incredibly effective way to communicate with your target audience. They’re ready, able and eager to hear what you have to say – what an awesome upsell opportunity!

Before you dive right into your next presentation, take a look at this quick cheat-sheet of tips to help you deliver the greatest webinar the Internet has ever seen.

*Prepare to be BLOWN AWAY*

  • Include a picture of yourself with a short bio on your first slide. This builds trust and adds a human element.
  • Start speaking right away: if not, visitors will think something is wrong with their audio or they logged on at wrong time… #awkward.
  • Start talking off a prepared script: this prevents stutters, stumbles and lost train of thought.
  • Engage, engage, engage: ask questions, encourage comments, create prompts, start a discussion! If not, guests WILL space out.
  • Focus on telling stories about how people use the product, service or idea that you’re selling.
  • Include a quick poll: how many trucks in your fleet? Are you in the NYC area? How many products do you deliver in a month? Ask your audience to respond in the chat section.
  • Get people to take a specific action. Download a handout, Like us on Facebook, raise your hand if you want me to email you a special something.
  • Create a follow-up sequence, like another webinar, email campaign, etc. Always end with a  “What happens next?”
  • Give the participants an opportunity to share the webinar. Use a hashtag. Offer an incentive if they do! (like a mini contest)
  • HAVE FUN! If your webinar is boring, it’s guaranteed that you won’t have visitors for your next one. Keep it light, engaging, informative and short. Attention spans are short – use every second of your guests’ time well!

When’s YOUR next webinar? Send us an invite! Until then, comment below with tips we may have missed, or email your questions about the cheat sheet above to Looking forward to hearing you slay your next webinar!

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