June 15, 2021

The Top 4 Key Differences Between B2B And B2C Marketing


To market effectively, you need to understand the differences between marketing towards businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2C). The way you market towards B2B and B2C companies are completely different when it comes to how you communicate, build relationships, and the buying cycles each one goes through.

Keep reading to learn about four key differences between B2B and B2C Marketing.

  • Building Relationships 

Building personal, long-term relationships is crucial for any B2B business. B2B organizations usually handle larger accounts dealing with contracts, subscriptions, and licenses that can span up to hundreds and thousands of dollars. This is why B2B companies must place their clients at the center of every aspect of their business. As for B2C customer relationships, they can be loyal to certain brands, but overall consumers prioritize quality and value and want to satisfy their needs at the best price available.

  • The Buying Cycle 

The time it takes to sell to a business versus a consumer is completely different. For a business to make a purchase, it has to go through multiple decision-makers and/or stakeholders. It’s important to know that the person who might understand your product or service the best, might not be the one paying for it. Therefore B2B marketing requires a personalized marketing plan specific for each stakeholder or decision-maker. B2C marketing requires a lot less catering. Consumers are driven by emotion and rarely need to confer with others before making a decision, making the buying process much faster than B2B.

  • Messaging 

In B2B marketing, your customers’ focus is primarily on ROI, expertise, and efficiency. This means when they are making a purchase, they need to know they are making a good investment that positively impacts their ROI. When creating messaging for B2B marketing, create content that showcases your business expertise and the ROI of your product. For B2C messaging, keep it short and simple. Make the benefits of your product known and emphasize the ease of purchase to get your product into their hands. Try to make your message relatable, make your consumers feel like they can relate to your brand on a personal level.

  • Advertising 

B2B and B2C marketing not only differ in their messaging, but also in the way those messages are delivered. In B2B marketing, you need to warm up your potential customers to your product or service. Give them the information they need to understand how your product will make their lives better. For B2C advertising, consumers already know what they are looking for. It’s your job to evoke emotion to drive them to make a purchase.

Is your B2B company looking for marketing support? At Ajax Union, our team of marketing experts specializes in all B2B lead generation tactics, such as content marketing, account-based marketing, paid search, social media management, sales funnel creation, cold email campaigns, email marketing, and beyond. Learn more about what we do here.

To discuss your company’s lead generation strategy, contact us here.

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